The best strategy for protecting Town Hall Level 14 in Clash of Clans (COC) focuses on creating an effective anti 3-star war base. Such bases are specially designed to defend against various attack strategies used in Clan War Leagues (CWL). The key to a successful anti 3-star base is to make it difficult for opponents to obtain three stars, hence the name, by strategically placing defenses, traps, and key buildings. This helps to ensure that any attack on your base will likely yield fewer stars, making it a strong defensive choice.
A top-rated anti 3-star TH14 war base incorporates advanced layouts that counter common attack strategies. These layouts typically focus on centralizing important structures, placing defenses at optimal distances, and effectively using walls and traps to create a maze-like effect for attackers. The placement of the Town Hall and Eagle Artillery is crucial, as these tend to be primary targets. By making it challenging to reach and destroy these key components, a good base can secure a significant advantage during battles.