The farming base design for Town Hall level 10 in Clash of Clans is specifically set up as a hybrid anti-three-star layout. This configuration aims to protect the most valuable buildings and resources while also being capable of withstanding attacks by opponents. The strategic arrangement of buildings makes it challenging for enemy players to achieve a three-star victory, which is essential for safeguarding one's progress and resources in the game.
At the core of the base, the Town Hall is centrally located, which serves as a strong defensive focal point. Surrounding the Town Hall, players can find other crucial structures, such as the clan castle and dark elixir storage, both of which are protected by defensive measures. By placing these important assets close together, the layout maximizes their protection from attackers who often aim for high-value targets in their quest for stars.
The presence of two air sweepers in this setup helps to defend against air attacks effectively. These air defenses push back incoming air units, providing an additional layer of security for the valuable buildings located in the central area. Furthermore, by incorporating hidden teslas and x-bows in this zone, the base can surprise opponents and inflict significant damage, especially if they are unprepared for such defenses.
The walls surrounding the central section create a formidable barrier, complicating an attacker's ability to reach the Town Hall and other vital structures quickly. Strategically placed walls can slow down an enemy’s troops, allowing defenses like traps and defensive buildings more time to engage. This design choice is critical in ensuring that the core of the base remains well-guarded against infiltration.