In the base layout referred to as bh06, the builder hall is strategically positioned at the center of the base. This central placement is critical as it enhances the protection of the main building, allowing defenses to be optimally arranged around it. It acts as a focal point for both defensive strategies and gameplay tactics, ensuring that players can effectively safeguard their core assets.
Surrounding the builder hall, several defensive structures are incorporated into the design. These include a guard post, which serves as a defensive unit, and various traps like mines and spring traps to deter enemy troops. Additionally, weaponry such as the multi-mortar is present to provide strong area damage against attacking forces. This clustering of defenses enhances the overall strength of the base and creates challenges for adversaries attempting to breach it.
The base also features hidden traps such as hidden teslas and air bombs, which are strategically concealed to surprise and eliminate enemy units. These hidden elements are effective at thwarting attacks, as opponents may not anticipate their presence when planning their offensive strategies. The combination of visible defenses and hidden traps creates a layered defense that complicates enemy approaches.
Another notable aspect of this base layout is the inclusion of firecrackers, which are placed in two small sections surrounding the core defenses. These firecrackers are essential for dealing with aerial threats like balloons and other flying units, ensuring that the base remains well-protected from airborne attacks. The small portions allocated for firecrackers are cleverly integrated with the overall defense strategy.
Overall, the bh06 base design exemplifies a thoughtful arrangement of various defensive structures and traps. The central location of the builder hall, coupled with the strategic placement of defenses and the inclusion of firecrackers, creates a robust and formidable base. Players adopting this layout will find that it offers substantial protection against a range of enemy assailants, emphasizing both defensive capabilities and placement tactics.